On the challenges of predicting microscopic dynamics of online conversations

Bollenbacher, Pacheco, et al

presented by Albert Orozco Camacho

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The paper's main motivation comes from figuring out how to predict if a social media post will become viral/popular in some sort of way.

In more concrete terms:

  • How can we predict the size of a conversation thread derived from a single post?
  • How can we say about the structure of such conversations?

In a nutshell...

  • The authors formalize the concept of conversation thread as a tree rooted from an initial post, (otherwise known as a cascade in other literature).
  • They propose a generative model for predicting the size and structure of conversation trees:
    1. First predict the final size of it
    2. Then, inductively, add nodes to it
    3. Evaluate on the likelihood of correctly predicting everything (supervised)

[PERSONAL TAKE] Even though their methods use "classical ML models", their goal is rather to present a framework or template to deal with social media cascades.

Two Key Concepts

  • Predicting macroscopic features means anything that requires the structure of a cascade as a whole.
  • Predicting microscopic events functions as synonym to saying "which node follows which other"*




  • Collection of public tweet cascades that contain Common Vulnerabilities and Exposure (CVE)
  • Use follower data and timestamps to reconstruct conversations


  • CVE, Same as Twitter
  • Also, cryptocurrency-related dataset


Structural Features

  • features about the current tree: initial size, depth
  • features about an individual node
  • parent delay relative difference in steps between a new node and its parent

User Features

  • derived only from the author of the conversation's initial post
  • i.e., user information

Content Features

  • limited to the root of the conversation
  • use of fastText, a document embedding method from FAIR

Temporal Features

  • time and day of week of the root post
  • not used in node placement task

Tree Growth Model (TGM)

Given a initial tree of $k$ nodes (possibly, $k = 1$)...

Size Prediction

  • Use of regression to predicti final size of a tree.
  • Based on features of the initial (partial) tree.

Node Placement

  • Iteratively attach additional nodes to a partial tree.
  • They train a likelihood estimator to assign a probability to each node in the partial tree.
  • Draw a random node with probability proportional to its score.

Size Prediction

Node Placement



Size Prediction

  • Relative Error, calculated as $$ \frac{|s - \hat{s}|}{|s|} $$ where $\hat{s}$ is the estimated size of the tree and $s$ is the true size.

Node Placement

  • Evaluated the model's ability to predict where to place the next node and compare it to random choice
  • Use the probability that the correct node is assigned at each time step and use it as accuracy

Whole Tree Simulation

  • Ask TGM to predict the size and structure of the final state of a conversation tree
  • Evaluate on macroscopic measures: depth, breadth, virality (Wiener index)

Cumulative node placement

  • Probability of placing all of the next $t$ nodes correctly
  • Probabilities end up being very small for large values of $t$


A Word (or More) on Related Work

There is plenty of previous work...


Node features to

  • predict macroscopic characteristics;
  • describe novelty, arrival patterns, textual expression, and social influence (Backstrom et al. 2013);
  • DeepCAS: predict logarithmic increments of the size of Twitter cascades (Li et al. 2017) ;
  • SansNet: (based on survival analysis) predict whether cascades will become viral (Subbian et al. 2017) .

Generative modelling to

  • identify underlying mechanisms that reproduce traits of cascades;
  • explore reaction times and lifespans of cascades by continuous-time dynamics (Wang et al. 2012);
  • examine how the structural features of conversations are affected by their presentation in a platform interface (Aragón et al. 2017);
  • capture different roles in cascade formation (Lumbreras 2016; Lumbreras et al. 2017).

Deep Methods on Cascades

  • CAS2VEC: embeddings from sequences of event timestamps (Kefato et al. 2018);
  • predict whether users in a social graph would participate in a cascade (Islam et al. 2018);
  • RNNs and temporal point processes to predict sequences of events (Du et al. 2016).

Point Processes

  • simulate cascades by fitting parameters to historical data (Shen et al. 2014);
  • have been successfully applied to the study of Twitter cascades (Kobayashi and Lambiotte 2016);
  • CAVEAT: most point processes don't work from just the initial post.

Hawkes Processes

  • predict full tree structure from only the initial post (SKrohn and Weninger 2019);
  • CTPM is the only model directly comparable to the one presented in this paper!
